2014年11月28日 星期五

羅傑‧沃爾許(Roger Walsh)與法蘭西斯‧馮恩(Frances Vaughan)解釋肯恩‧威爾伯的「前超謬誤」。關於前超謬誤,我們上一篇貼的是肯恩‧威爾伯自己的解釋。他的論據根據的是比較內裡的義理脈絡(前理性狀態和超理性狀態,以其各自的型態,都是非理性的」),一般無法輕易領會。羅傑‧沃爾許(Roger Walsh)與法蘭西斯‧馮恩(Frances Vaughan) 這裡所做的解釋則是舉實例說明(「譬如自我界線的解除,有的超個人經驗表面上看起來和某些病理狀態很像。於是就產生一種傾向,亦即總是把兩者視為一樣的東西」)讓讀者比較容易領會何謂「前超謬誤」:


Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan give an explanation of Ken Wilber’s Pre-Trans Fallacy.Theirs is easier to grasp:
    Because the personal level has been viewed as the acme of human development by most Western schools of psychology, a recurrent trap has been to dismiss or pathologize transpersonal levels. Indeed, because some transpersonal experiences such as the dissolution of ego boundaries bear a superficial resemblance to some pathological conditions, there has been a tendency to equate the two. For example, mystical experiences have been interpreted as regression to union with the breast, ecstatic states viewed as narcissistic neurosis, enlightenment dismissed as regression to intrauterine stages, and meditation seen as self-induced catatonia. This is the trap that Ken Wilber calls the pre-trans fallacy.